Friday, February 5, 2010

Jason's New Penpal

Just over a week ago, Jason received the following surprise e-mail from Living Well, a wonderful little spa located in downtown Salem:

Jason responded,

and then followed up with:

After an anxious night's sleep, Jason awoke the next day to find a reply in his inbox:

How best to respond? Did Living Well truly wish Jason the "best", or were they cheekily mimicking Jason's "best" wishes to them? Should Jason attempt to open a new line of dialogue, or was it better not to appear too eager, too attached? Was there hope for this new friendship or was it past its prime, like a rosebud caught in a spring chill, a life snuffed out just as it had begun to blossom?

Jason meditated on these questions, and then wrote back.

It's been nine days. Jason hasn't spoken of it since.

Stay warm, gentle readers, and be good to each other. I wish you all the best, from the bottom of my heart, and I hope that you all live very, very well.


Miss Kolleen said...


thats like the guy with the spider drawing...


Lola Cutter Hensel said...

hahaha... yes! that's what it reminded me of!