Monday, August 9, 2010

Rejoicing in an Orgy of Self Pity

I worked sixty hours this week. After getting out of work today I collapsed into a three-hour nap and then woke up in an Olympic-sized pool of my own drool.

No, no, don't feel bad for me - I'm lavishing enough pity on myself for all of us.

I didn't feel like I had the energy for a substantial blog entry, so I just drew a quick picture. This is what I look like most of the time now:

Don't be confused, my hair is not on fire in this drawing. Lately I've been pulling my hair back and tucking my bangs under a headband (or hairband) right after getting out the shower in the morning. When I remove my headband at the end of the day, my bangs have dried into a fan-like crest of hair sticking straight up from my forehead.

The resulting effect is that my bangs appear to be perpetually offering a high-five.


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