Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Wish me luck on my day of grand excitement...

In a few minutes I will slip into my walkin' shoes and begin heading downtown. I will grab breakfast along the way. I will spend whatever expanse of time exists between my downtown arrival and 1pm at the Peabody Essex Museum; it's one of my favorite places and, as a Salem resident, I get in for free.


Then, at 1:00, I will be meeting up with the lovely Molly McKinnon at Witch City Ink to get some more work done on my arm.

Since you are probably now wiping a tear from your eye because you are jealous of the awesomeness that lays before me, here is a picture to make you smile:


Anonymous said...

take me to the museum sometime? i'd love to see it with you. maybe we can do sushi afterwards. yum.

Lola Cutter Hensel said...

Yes please!