Friday, August 6, 2010

Simple But Brilliant New Weight Loss Strategy!

Tonight at work, a guest of mine complained about her half-eaten shrimp entree and had the meal taken off her check. Her complaint? The food took so long to arrive that she lost her appetite.

I didn't quite understand the logic behind such a predicament, but I was intrigued*.

Now it's almost midnight and I have to work a double shift tomorrow. I'm going to spend a few hours watching TV and aimlessly surfing the internet. Hopefully, if I wait long enough to go to bed, I'll lose all my sleepiness.

I'll let you know in my next post how it works out.

* - I was also excited by the possibility that I might have been waiting on someone who was living backwards through time. MerLynne, is that you?


P. Hentermine said...

Working out exactly how these genes bring about the changes in weight and other harmful fats could lead to new drugs that could benefit millions.

Not Jason Dubinsky said...