Thursday, June 11, 2009

I got a lot of livin' to do!

A sampling of things I want to do this summer:

- Read a bunch of books.

- Commit to a yoga habit! My goal is stepping it up from once a week at the YMCA to twice!

- Find out that I passed the MTEL Communications and Literacy Skills test and then prepare to take down the English subject test.

- Learn a little shooting.

- Take another session of Bellydance classes.

- Go to Provincetown with my mom.

- Watch as many episodes of Tales from the Crypt as I can get my hands on. Why does this series not get more recognition for being one of the greatest television shows ever? Huh? Why?

- Write more!

- Go on a glorious road trip! Jason and I have been saving up for a southbound adventure this August.

- Daydream about my sister's unborn child. Does that sound creepy? Maybe it is. Regardless, I am so excited for this baby!

- Be a better friend.

- Have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just read your paragraph on nathan bransford's blog. I really liked it!